Hi! My name is Mike and I’m a food nerd.
I’ve also got a bunch of friends who are also food nerds (maybe they prefer the term ‘aficionados’), and we have a dinner club where every month we make great meals for each other. One of the things that I’ve always thought was a great addition to a dinner party was to have some kind of game – typically between the main meal and the dessert, so I decided to have a look to see what was out there in terms of games focussed on food. Not a lot.
I’m also a Graphic Designer and amateur coder, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to learn a bit more about designing apps for the iPad and iPhone and this is the result of the idea I had for a fun, fast game that could be played at dinner parties.
This blog is a way of documenting the steps taken to bring this idea to life, to hilite and share some of the resources I’ve found along the way for anyone who is interested in turing an idea into an iApp, and to engage the online community in the design of the game.
It’s basically a big experiment, and I hope it’s fun and useful. Time will tell…